TREES TREES, We in NWA love our trees, Or do we?

TREES TREES, We in NWA love our trees, Or do we?

by Stephanie Arwine

I love trees. Maybe it is because I come from the part of the country that if you want trees, you have to plant them (Dallas/Ft Worth).

We in the Dallas metroplex loved trees, but if we wanted a tree on either our residential or commercial property, we had to PLANT the silly things. But…. we could choose the type, size and combination of trees we wanted in our landscaping.

That is certainly the opposite here in NWA. We are blessed with trees – trees, everywhere trees. In fact, in certain parts of the cities and bordering communities, we have to arrange our homes to fit the trees.

We love our trees. Or do we?

In the summer, they provide great shade which gives us comfort and cuts down on our electric bill. (especially if those trees are tall and are near the house).

Then comes the Fall. 

The colors begin to change and we admire the beauty of them all. In fact, some of us (well me) plan Fall travel trips just to see the Fall foliage. Those mighty trees are so tall, so colorful, simply beautiful.

We are not quite so in love as the leaves begin to drop and we now have to rake those silly leaves.  And certainly not just once, but multiple times during the winter season. If not, our yards are filled with those colorful leaves that we loved just a few weeks before. And how are we to dispose of those leaves anyway.They seem to be everywhere.

And as December approaches, we decide that we want to decorate them for the holidays. Drive through most neighborhoods and you will find at least one or more house beautifully decorated with colorful lights to celebrate the coming of Christmas.

Then the new year.  And the cycle begins again.

The truth is, we, the residents of NWA, take our beautiful trees for granted. We don’t consider how and when they should be watered. We forget that some “vitamins” (aka fertilizer) is actually good for our trees, not just our lawns.

We also think it is inevitable that at some point our trees must may get those nasty fall web worms, or you may have even seen small holes that seem to be everywhere on your trees. Where did those come from?


My good friends here at Pinnacle Lawns, LLC  know about trees and they LOVE our trees here in NWA.

At Pinnacle Lawns, LLC, they will share with you exactly how to water, slow, and deep as the roots need to grow deep into the soil to create a solid foundation. Trees are watered differently than your lawn.

Did you know that you can prevent some of those web worms by spraying your trees with Dormant Oil?   Did you know that those holes are actually from bugs that have laid eggs inside of your tree and eaten their way out? This, over time, weakens our trees. (I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t be too excited if my beautiful tree decided to fall on my roof)

Did you know that Pinnacle Lawns, LLC can treat your trees for bugs with a special maugettreeinjections-300x190  treatment helping your tree to fight off those bugs.

Did you know that once a year you should “fertilize” your trees. And, not with the same kind nor the same way you fertilize your lawn. Pinnacle Lawns, LLC can do that.

tree care and mulch

proper mulch is essential to your trees health

Did you know that too much mulch around the foundation can harm your tree?

Did you know there is a right time of the year to trim your trees?

To get answers to these and many other of your tree care questions answered, CALL PINNACLE LAWNS, LLC today. They will send out a tree care specialist to evaluate the health of your lawn and TREES and give you the best plan of action.

CALL: 479-659-4141



  1. Tree Care:4 Signs Your Tree Is In Need Of Fertilizer
  2. Tree Care: How much water Does my Tree need a week?
  3. Tree Care: How to Care for Trees in Winter

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